I cannot tell you how much I loved this song, but now a family friendly version (SFW and everything).
Thanks to Peter.
I cannot tell you how much I loved this song, but now a family friendly version (SFW and everything).
Thanks to Peter.
Posted by
Martha Craig
8:58 AM
1 people talking
Posted by
Martha Craig
8:30 PM
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Posted by
Martha Craig
8:01 PM
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My wee shop is in September House and Garden, great wee write up, very stoked. Checkit on page 163.
Posted by
Martha Craig
9:29 PM
1 people talking
We were in a position this week whereby we had to make our house very, very clean and very, very stylish. It sounds ridiculous, but it was impossibly difficult. For this reason I realise I will never move house, open homes would kill me.
The tidying and shenanigans wasn't helped by the excessive busy-ness of every other part of my life, and the immensely huge bump that has attached itself to my front (and my arse, but lets not go there).
And then a phonecall, our date has been postponed! The cleaning immediately stopped, the empty router boxes are still on the lounge floor, the papers are still on the bench waiting to go to the recycling, the elegant and tasteful towels will be tucked in the hot water cupboard, ready for our next stress-out, cleaning appointment.
And I'm LOUNGING, like a big, bloated lounge lizard. Yup, not so stylish and clean after all.
Posted by
Martha Craig
9:12 PM
people talking
No idea what happened to this week, there was this vague blur, and now I'm sitting on the couch eating Godiva truffles and facing another weekend.
Regarding the Olympics, I should mention that I used to babysit one of the rowers, and I can sense that my commands of "go to bed NOW" are an integral part of his motivation. He was quite naughty.
Posted by
Martha Craig
8:12 PM
1 people talking
Posted by
Martha Craig
3:12 PM
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Posted by
Martha Craig
10:49 PM
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We were delaying our 20 week scan until my parents got back from France, so that they could come and have a look. However, on Wednesday when I rang to make the appointment, I was told in no uncertain terms that 23 weeks was way too late for the 20 week scan. This lead to a very surprise trip to the scan place (okay, nappy brain well established, the radiographers? Scanners? Ultrasounders?), on Thursday morning, and lo! A girl baby!
I'm very chuffed. I thought I was carrying a girl, and my instincts are true, so at one with nature am I (also experiencing every old wives tale symptom possible). I had readied myself for it being a boy, and so now I'm thinking I need to have another baby as well, so that my "mother of 3 boys" dream comes true. First things first though, I'll concentrate on getting this wee sheila out of me nice and healthy.
Posted by
Martha Craig
8:26 PM
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I've mentioned PrettyPrettyPretty before, and now you have no excuse not to check them out, they HAVE PRIZES. I've received one of their goodie boxes in the past, and I tells ya, they're a bloody treat. If ever you catch me smelling yummy, coconut roughy, it will be due to Ms Hubris' famous Sugar Scrub. I urge you to enter the competition, the prizes are fantastic.
Posted by
Martha Craig
6:36 PM
people talking
Last night I dreamed my tights were baggy.
Today, my tights are baggy.
Posted by
Martha Craig
9:12 AM
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Posted by
Martha Craig
9:21 PM
people talking