Well hello there!
Just like that I see the try the new interface button, and voila, much better.
Well hello there!
Just like that I see the try the new interface button, and voila, much better.
Posted by
Martha Craig
8:47 PM
people talking
Posted by
Martha Craig
8:34 PM
1 people talking
Once in a blue moon I go out, and one such occasion recently was the launch of Bees Blessing's rebrand/launch party at the Empire in Petone. We love Bees Blessing because 3 of our corker wee chooks came from their farm, not to mention the fact they make very tasty cordials and condiments. We love the Empire because they make the finest hot chips (Belgium with cheese and gravy and curry with curry sauce - don't choose, get both), so it was a lovely night (albeit brief, 3 kids in a pub?).
Posted by
Martha Craig
6:11 PM
people talking
Since we've been in our new house a few things have been procured that are somewhat awesome. The latest (and favouritist at the moment) is a piano. I've wanted a piano for a long, long time. Our last house was too little though, so last week we got on Trademe and bam! Piano love. I'm blimming hopeless, but what I lack in technique/talent I make up for in gusto and enthusiasm. The neighbours may be a little tired of my extremely slow version of the Sound of Silence. I've bought lots of music books full of cheesy music, not because I actually want to perform for anyone, but so that I can sing along as I learn.
Posted by
Martha Craig
3:17 PM
1 people talking
Posted by
Martha Craig
9:37 PM
1 people talking
We went up to the big trade fair in Auckland on Tuesday, we being me and Glen. My parents came to look after the kiddies at 7am, bless, and we tootled off to the airport. We hired a massive Rav 4 in Auckland, curious to see if that is a car we'd want, it wasn't.
Posted by
Martha Craig
8:30 PM
people talking
Why am I so obsessed?
Posted by
Martha Craig
4:13 PM
people talking
I've decided I want to be Jonathan Adler. I'm not sure how I'll go about it, given that I'm a white, straight, non-Jewish, woman from New Zealand. However I'm going to do everything in my power to become a potting, fabulous, talented, motivated, Jewish, gay man from America.
Posted by
Martha Craig
1:03 PM
people talking
We've moved! The past few months have been crazy. We found this house, sold ours, and now we've moved. It has all been a rollercoaster, but I think we've been pretty lucky. Our house sold quickly, our new house is huge and awesome. It needs some serious tlc, but I like thinking about decorating, it is relaxing. I can see that we could spend a decent lotto win on getting things right, and it will take a few years, but already it is comfortable and fits all our crap.
Posted by
Martha Craig
10:14 PM
people talking
Kia ora bunnies!
Posted by
Martha Craig
8:29 PM
1 people talking
Beautiful Christchurch is a mess. I can't begin to imagine how the people down there are holding it together. I'm seeing glimpses of my childhood in ruins, which is sad, but my god, the people stuck there every day dealing with mess and death and pooing in plastic bags and general misery. Oy. The thing about being human is you do endure, you don't have the option of just giving up, because you can't. I wish there was something I could do. I want some Christchurch people to come here so I can give them some alcohol and some food and a bit of a reprieve, but they can't just skip out on their lives.
The whole incident has prompted me to actually pull together an earthquake kit, because honestly, how stupid would you feel if the big one did actually hit, and you couldn't give your children a drink of water?
I'm going to list here what I did, because I know that some people will be interested. It is by no means comprehensive, and I haven't actually finished. You should feel free to chip in ideas about what to add, where to stash it, what to stash it in, that sort of thing.
From the supermarket:
Dettol (cream and liquid)
Soap (I got liquid bodywash, figured it would be versatile)
Toilet paper
Insect repellent
Hand sanitiser
Can opener
Rubbish bags
Water (we bought 40 litres. We need more, but I honestly don't know where we'd keep it, so I'm gonna keep all our water bottles and soda stream bottles filled in the fridge too)
Tinned toms
Baked beans
Tinned spag
Tinned bean salad
Muesli bars
Boiled sweets
Condensed milk
Tinned creamed rice
Tinned fruit salad
From Kathmandu
Aquatabs (water purifying tabs)
Freeze dried food (which Pauline assures me is tasty)
From home
Leatherman tool
To come from Mitre 10
Dust masks
Rubber gloves
Things I should have but haven't worked out how to store
I think we'll keep it all in the caravan, and hopefully it survives any major earthquake action better than the house. We have a camping stove and lantern there, plus several torches and we have a radio (but probably should get another too).
Posted by
Martha Craig
1:12 PM
people talking
My laptop has gone a bit spazzy and won't charge, so my planned longwinded, meandering spiel is truncated to a bullet format, which happens to be my favorite thing anyway.
So, without further ado, highlights of the year past (utterly arbitrarily, based on no logic or sensible timeframe, in fact potentially backwards so I can start at the easy recent bit):
And omg shock, there are no bullets on the iPad! It will just be a wackadoo list:
We just got back from camping. It was fantastic, even the bit where we got caught in that big gale and had to make a dash to my parents' place. We went with friends and ended up in Waimarama. Currently trying to work out how to move to Waimarama. Ooh, and we saw the family from That Way of Life TWICE. You'll have to do your own googling.
We went to Melbourne. Frankly it was kind of hard work with the kids, but I did get lots of awesome stuff for the shops.
We got a parking sign outside the shop, after months of nagging the council and writing letters and emails. My feelings towards the council are somewhat negative, but I'm a grownup, so I'll concentrate on sending bad vibes and not on whining about them. SO mature.
I went to the Pixies with friends, it was awesome, great concert, great company.
Lots of shit stuff happened; the shop got robbed several times (the bad vibes I'm sending those losers will be making their lives a misery), we had stupid car troubles, random illnesses, yawn. While it was all a bit rubbish our spirits remained pretty chipper, and there were plenty of people having much worse 2010.
What a boring list. I'm stopping now.
Posted by
Martha Craig
10:12 PM
people talking