Pimpin' mah ride
Yeah, so our house is in Your Home and Garden at the moment. It is quite weird. I suppose I should be shouting it from the roof-tops, but I'm still in slight shock.
Yeah, so our house is in Your Home and Garden at the moment. It is quite weird. I suppose I should be shouting it from the roof-tops, but I'm still in slight shock.
Posted by
Martha Craig
7:40 PM
Is there an online version? Preferably one where we can make comments about appalling taste.
Na, ha ha ha. No way, no how. You'll just have to visualise my Baroque-stylie palace in yer head.
I dreamt last night that I was in your shop. But don't be creeped out - I've never actually been there and probably only dreamed it because a style-conscious friend recommended I shop in Petone.
My life is an open book, Violet, and I'm sure you'll say "hi" when you come in!
Ooooo, you're doing a good bit for Home & Garden mag sales figures here on your blog! Will have to check it out! Was your gardener called David per chance? Only, I'm sure my gardener mentioned something a while ago about doing up a garden for the magazine! If so, he's done a great job at our place! Hope all is well on the bubs front too, Sarah x :)
Sarah, no garden shots were taken at our place, very wisely! In fact, we were very unprepared for the shoot, so they actually managed to make everything look surprisingly nice. Even my makeup free self (gah! It wasn't intentional...).
Baby is doing everything in her power to punch her way through my skin, keeping her restrained inside, but it isn't easy.
I'm sure you're in their somewhere ...
(Google CAPTCHA: flumm - what a great word!)
Replace "their" with "there" in your own minds if really annoys you ... it was a looong night
(Google CAPTCHA this time, "terian" - also a real word, no?)
oh boo I can't see it either! Although does your house kind of look similar to your Flickr photos? Not that I was stalking you either but I was trying to steal your flickr badge idea so had a look at your photos at the same time.
Martha, your place looks great! I am a subscriber so my in-laws didn't have to clip a copy of this article for me. big congrats on what looks to be a lovely life, and pain free birth vibes coming your way!
Tee hee great article : ) Who could not love being instructed to "Decorate with quirky pieces like Martha and Glen" - if only we all had your excellent eye. Oh yes - we have Wanda Harland. Hurrah!
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