Saturday, December 08, 2007

Bags and radios

It probably comes as no surprise that I'm busy.  Bloody busy.  

I did get a night off on Thursday to go to the Wellingtonista Awards at Mighty Mighty.  It were grand, luvvy.  We shot into town and arrived in time for the quiz, hosted by Russell Brown.  I wasn't very good at paying attention, because there were all these people to chat to, and all this beer to consume.  Then there were the awards (and Unity beat my in the Best Shop category, not surprisingly), and then Blam Blam Blam played.  We had to leave shortly after they started, but my god, the rest of the Wellingtonista crew stayed out another 6 HOURS.  I can't even imagine (Jo has some super pics here).

Friday I felt a bit, you know, tired...  however, I still had a great day.  Fingers crossed I'll be able to announce another couple of great brands I'm very chuffed to be stocking in the next couple of days.  The shop has been really busy.  I wasn't expecting much til next Christmas, to be honest, but the word seems to be out, and I'm very happy indeed.  We put up some fancy schmants new shelves today and it is all ritzy and our beautiful books have a handsome home.

Today has been pretty peachy. I took my chiddlers to a cafe this morning and bought some plants and did some long overdue weeding.  Then a stint in the shop, and this evening a lovely birthday party at the neighbour scoffing paua and crayfish.  Now I'm on the couch doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  In fact, possibly going to be asleep by 9pm.  Bliss.

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