Le weekend, c'est still going. The shop isn't open on Mondays, and while I only have 2 weeks experience in these matters, I feel very much like I'm having a long weekend. In fact, after having Finn at home all last week with the ole slapped cheek, things have been quite hectic. Malo has his first Monday morning at kindy tomorrow, and you know what that means? First time to myself in frickin ages. I intend to fill it with all the excitement that couriering and ordering and posting and possibly a little washing-hanging brings.
I'm looking forward to being inundated this week with music selections for the shop. I don't want people to be deterred because I said "easy listening" - I don't mean The Eagles. I just mean that when Dinosaur Jnr was playing in the shop when some customers were there, I couldn't talk straight, and they probably thought I was a little insane. Although I think it happened when Mary was there, and she reads my blog, so probably wasn't surprised at all by me being a little, um, like someone-that-says-inappropriate-things-about-TV-hosts-in-the-subject-line-on-blog-postings.
Brenda and Sandy visited too, which was very great in its own right, but when Sandy pulled out the iphone, well GOOD GOD, I almost wept. It is soo foxy, and the fact that Sandy was so in love with it, and is its owner, well... now I really need to make my fortune, so that I may buy one and be happy like Sandy. Tom took covert pictures of me with it, and I imagine he will be setting up a rival store 3 shops down with the information.
Today I had a great time with the chiddlers. I took them to Te Papa and tried to think of the correct answer for questions about dinosaurs and if they were on Gondwanaland with giant squidlike things that turn into fossils while giant eagles circle and where are the shark bones and monkey skulls and why rocks are lighter near the surface of the earth. Luckily looking vague and intelligent seems to get me a long way. I'm hot-housing both boys to be architects, and found a really excellent set of stamps that are parts of buildings, and you put together combinations and colour them in. I also got them a batman/spiderman reversible costume. I have no idea where this shopping bug has come from...
Nor this crazy writing every detail of my weekend bug. I think it is called procrastination, because there are 13 orders awaiting my urgent attention, and the bed with a laptop on my knees is much more appealing.