After all the excitement of Facebook, I decided it was about time I tried Skype. It is funny, like the future. Video phones! Who would've thought. In a complete reversal of technology I've bought a fax machine - old skool bro (MG, I'm only 15 years late). Of course I have nobody to fax or Skype (although I guess if I accepted the invitations from random strangers with names like hornyfoxxx I could be entertained all day long), but at least now when people ask, I can say yes - and add a whole new phone number to my business card (albeit the same as my work number).
GOD. How boring was that? Glen is doing the website stuff, and I have to try and keep my brain alive with inane typing drivel, rather than the usual chatting drivel I inflict on him. Look what he has done here. I'm prepared to accept that we have gone a little dog mad, even though the dog is driving us mad, what is with that?
In more exciting news, I'm drinking wine and watching Hugh Hefner on the box. I should really be in bed reading Robert Hughes, but yawn, I'll take Hef any day. Hughes is light on boobs, Hef not so much.