Friday, June 08, 2007

More alien goodness

I've posted this clip a couple of times already. If you look carefully (as in, completely obsessively), you will glimpse me at 22 secs.

It has had over 120000 hits. While you're there, check out the other vids my Unky Paul has posted, they're ROCKIN' (I'm yelling today SPONTANEOUSLY).

It seemed relevant, because today another foul alien was washed up at Waikanae beach. Time to say NO.

The charming Mr Slack sent me the link.


styler said...

how on earth do i sleep tonight

Mrs Smith said...

Exactly why I don't like swimming in the ocean. Too many creepy things. If they got rid of all the sea-life, it would be much better.

Anonymous said...

what is that thing? Can you give me more info?
It's freaky looking

Martha Craig said...

Goose barnacles. It was absolutely disgusting.

It made the ocean seem a very silly place to play.