Friday, August 25, 2006

Website madness

Lovely David Slack has linked to babylicious, which is fabulous, and generating lots of lovely traffic. Unfortunately the website is all going a bit nutty in terms of gnarly white borders showing up everywhere in IE and stuff like that.

Thank goodness for sleeping boy, and National Radio on the laptop, and sun in the bedroom. And what am I doing? Blogging with my precious time! I think I'm procrastinating because I know you'll all be looking at the website thinking "shabby shabby shabby". I'll get there. My shopping cart is almost ready to go too. Well. Almost in that it looks good, but linking it to the site?

Ay ay ay.


s. said...

I ain't no expert, but there's some crazy gnarly HTML going on in your layouts which could quite possibly account for gnarly white borders showing up everywhere.

Martha Craig said...

mmm, welcome to my world.

Anonymous said...

He is nice that David Slack fella ...

I better get the whitebait net out ...