Friday, August 26, 2005

So, yeah, WHATever

I'm not at home on a Friday night. I'm out having cocktails with lots of quite cool people who work in advertising agencies and suchlike.

If I were at home (which I'm not), I'd be probably saying what a rock and roll evening it was, starting with a little dancing with the 3 year old and (almost) 1 year old. They both thought "Sweet Child" by G'n'f'n'r was just as rockin as me. I'd probably follow up with a chaser of Inxs Rockstar. Ohmigod. Marty should win (will he Ms Hubris?). We worked out why the show is such a triumph tonight - it is because there is almost zero cringe (unlike the Idol shows).

And the other thing I might do if I was at home tonight (which I'm not - I'm at Matterhorn, or Motel, or the mirror bar - drinking cocktails and not thinking about the mortgage) - is speculate which was your most "fun" year. "Fun" in this definition doesn't include fun that you might have at anything called a "dinner party" or anything involving ones own children.

Mine, I think, was 1994. This was the year I found myself single ( the only year since I was 16). I was flatting with a gang of 6 very excellent women (imagine the day we could cry out "full house" - all double beds full), we drank almost every night (I think something was on telly on Mondays). We enjoyed $2 pints at Trekkers and Hole in the Wall, endless beers at Bodega, rock star scoring, Barneys dancing, party having.... oh it was all bloody marvellous.

When I first began the exercise I felt a) like it was earlier than it was and b) that I've surely had better times since.

And this is true. I got married in Vegas in '99, and it was a FUCKING BRILLIANT YEAR. But there is something that is great about being 21.


Amanda said...

21 was a good year for me too. I was also single flatting with mainly women and one token guy in a squalid flat in Auckland.

We used to not get up on Saturdays for hours because of hang overs and then someone would usually do some baking and we'd eat afghans and watch trashy tv and then go off to the bottle store to get supplies for the evening.

Those were fun times even though at one point I was sharing a bathroom with 14 people. I think the whole trend of people staying at home with their parents for longer is a shame. They are missing out on the young kiwi flatting rite of passage.

But, of course, now is fun too. In a different way.

Kate Borrell said...

1994/95 - 21,always drunk and spent my time at the Malthouse and Ecstasy Plus, Tattou, and early morning nachos at The Diner on Courtenay Place. I'm sure we went to other places... I was just too drunk to remember.