Sunday, November 27, 2005

Did you miss me?

Aye carumba, what a catch up is required.

Day by day I think may be best.

Wednesday: Drove over to the Wairarapa. We went to Martinborough for a play at the playground (cool old play things that can get you quite hurt. Don’t tell OSH). We got some lunch too, and a couple of cool t-shirts at Thrive.
Moved on to my parent’s house which is halfway between Carterton and Masterton in the country. I had to take off for further shopping in the metropolis of Masterton (secret birthday business). All the people in Masterton are on P. And all anyone under 20 says is “fuck”. It was so delightful. Went back to the haven of the homestead and had a nice bbq and some wine. It was magic. After the kids went to bed we watched Buffy. Bless.

Thursday: Went for a swim at the great pool in Masterton. Actually nobody at the pool seemed to be on P. A better class of people I think.

Did some looking around Greytown. The place is so ritzy.

Did I mention it was Glen’s birthday? He is 42. Old. He didn’t warn me when we met he’d be 42 at some stage, but then I kept mum about being 33 at some stage myself, so all fair. So the day was spent asking Glen what he would like to do, which seemed to pretty much involve driving around the countryside.

We scoped out Bambino Cafe in Carterton, since they have the same business name. They haven't got the same coffee making talent I fear. Well worth stopping if you have kids though. Avoid Coffee and buy slice.

Friday: We had a family Christmas back in Petone. My sister is off to Japan with her wee family, so we get to have Christmas twice. Nice.

Saturday: Bored yet? Some stuff during the day, and some Buffy during the evening (it is getting very good).

Sunday: You know, stuff. Probably more Buffy soon.


Amanda said...

:) I love that ABCD t-shirt.

It's good you are enjoying Buffy. All the best people do.

Martha Craig said...

It has lead to a very unhealthy obsession with David Boreanaz.

Ali-Belly said...

I lived in the Wairarapa for 8 years (thanks very much, ex-husband) and I came to the conclusion that everyone in most of the districts was on P.. not just in Masterton. Yuck. So I left.

Anonymous said...

Harry has that same shirt!

I was in Masterton a couple of weeks ago at the Warehouse, and I was struck by a couple of things:

1) The spiral perm lives on in Masterton.
2) It is very hard to tell the difference between a lesbian and a farmer's wife - the gaydar gets all a-muddle

Welcome home. Which season of Buffy are you watching?

Kate Borrell said...

I had to stay in Featherston and catch the train back recently - that was a very different experience. ;)

Martha Craig said...

Wicked, at least you got out alive.

Emily, only season 2 at the moment. It is going to take ages - and we've been pretty much watching 2 a night.

And Kate, horrors, I read about that terrible incident with a certain sense of deja vu... although it wasn't in Featherston...

Violet said...

love the t-shirt. Before Baby was born, I was hoping we'd get one for her to wear, but I think the boy changed his mind when it was a she and not a he.