Seven Deadly Sins
Dear Kate has me tagged.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Which (if any) have you broken and give examples.
Lust: No.
I'm as pure as the driven snow. I wouldn't look twice at Jude Law, nor at any young waiters anywhere.
Gluttony: No.
I eat to live, not live to eat. Apart from delicious things.
Greed: No
If I won lotto I'd give it to all the poor starving children in Eastern Europe. I'd never buy a convertible and drive around Wellington just LAUGHING.
Sloth: No.
You could eat off my floor. In fact we do.
Wrath: No.
I practice yoga and tai chi, and it keeps me very level and centered.
Envy: No.
I have never envied the people in the Plischke House in Brooklyn, and hoped they'd lose their marbles and swap houses. Never.
Pride: No.
I'm far too modest for any of that.
Some or all of the above may in fact be a lie.
Domestic Goddess, Make Tea, Rosie, Emily, hers
Consider yourself tagged! For some reason I've picked all the lay-dies. If you're a bloke then do it. Go on. In fact I think I'll tag Mr Reasonable and Ben too.
lol - that's fantastic!
It's right up there with one of my favourite quotes:
Madame Bollinger - "I drink it when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Sometimes I drink it when I'm alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I'm not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise I never touch it - unless I'm thirsty."
Oh we eat off the floor too, all the time. I was thinking just the other day my pre-parent self would have been shocked to hear myself saying "no you cannot have a cracker until you have eaten all the raisins you threw on the floor".
I'll get onto the tag soon but SLOTH might mean slooooooow the process a bit.
Okey dokey.
I'm on to it.
Right on, but give me a short while to get to it!
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