Sunday, September 11, 2005

Beach train station
If you're after something to do on a sunny Sunday afternoon, you shouldn't go past the Petone train. It operates from 1-4pm all year round, weather permitting. It is $1 a ride (3 circuits!), and great fun for young and old. It is at the desirable eastern end of Petone, next to the playground at the end of the Esplanade.

Here endeth this public service announcement.


David said...

And this is what passes for public transport in NZ these days?

Martha Craig said...

The transport is the same, but the people are getting bigger. Blame McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, thanks, I can bookmark this when I forget what you told me the last ten times I asked you.

Anonymous said...

My god. Someone has far too much time on their hands. Love the coffee geek photos. Still reckon I could hold my own in a pour-off! You and Glen looking for staff by any chance?

What's the latest on Malo? You know Lewis' coughing was diagnosed as asthma. Doesn't really wheeze all that much, just incessant coughing. Pretty much under control these days.


Martha Craig said...

Hey John, welcome to Wandaland.

Malo is seeing the paediatrician in a few weeks - he's having a barium xray to check for reflux, but he seems much better after an extended dose of antibiotics.

We may well be looking for staff soon - you never know...