Monday, October 31, 2005

Hey hooooo

The best blogging is pissssssed.

So HI!!! I'm Martha. I don't know you, but it is my sister's birthday.

Yeah, no, I don't really work.

Umm yeah, I guess the term is homemaker, oh okay, that is oldskool. I'm a family executive. Yeah, that far more covers being the one who gets to deal with the shit and the puke.

Oh yeah, I used to be a researcher in Treaty Issues.

Okay, that means more than the shit and the puke.

So, how do you feel?


Unknown said...

Gin-soaked mama? (Or maybe wine?)

Thanks for asking, I'm fine.

Mr Reasonable said...

Good here too. How's the head?

Martha Craig said...

Unspeakable. I shall be raiding the bird flu supply of panadol shortly.