Saturday, October 29, 2005

Shoe gazing - or something

Today I decided to try and be a little more creative with the camera. I was prompted by an invite to a Flickr group, which I'm way too frightened to submit anything for.

Anyhow, I thought I'd have a browse through the net (search: how to take photographs). I read a bit, and then they suggested trying some self portraits. Ohmigod.

I was frankly very surprised. I look much different than I think I do. I look older, I look angrier, and I look tireder (which doesn't look like a real word. But since I'm tireder than you, I don't care).

I worked out that half the reason I look so odd is I didn't have my glasses on, and the other half is that I don't think I look at myself much.

After a few shots I actually began to quite enjoy it. Simple things like not looking straight at the camera, and combing ones hair seem to make the world of difference.

I present you with the result of my experiment. Probably not the most honest picture, but I think that is because god knows how other people see me. I'm quite happy to remain ignorant.

Martha Self Portrait

It looks best small, and black and white. Of course.


Unknown said...

Hmmm, the switch to black and white seems to make the picture a lot more dramatic.

I'm still pretty nervous about my self-portraits - they always seem to look different from the way I see myself. Maybe I should try b&w and see if that transforms me into the new George Clooney (I'm getting the grey hair, so I'm partway there).

Mr Reasonable said...

Lovely pic! B&W adds something - we print a few pictures of the girls in sepia and they look so warm for some reason - much better than the colour versions.

David said...

How do other people see you? Er... the queen of celebrity sleeze and kink, drug snorting, and beautiful feets. But the photo makes you look calm and thoughtful... so you never can tell.

Like Ben, I usually increase contrast and decrease brightness in order to punch up the colours and to blacken up the blacks. I like my shadows to be properly black, rather than a murky grey. 10% for each is usually about right with images from my SLR, but it depends on the subject. I've had fun punching up the contrast 80% or more on some subjects and the results are good, if somewhat zany. Software also gives you the chance to crop.

Martha Craig said...

Ha! Don't be fooled.

Yep, mainly I want software so I can crop. My camera has a few limited colour options, but not much to play with. Hence my desire to play with something like photoshop.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I disagree..... you are beautiful..... Bruce

Martha Craig said...

Thanks Bruce. You've made my day.