Monday, January 16, 2006

Buffy update

For all those punters just GAGGING to know where I'm at with Buffy, we're halfway through season 4. We watched Hush a couple of nights ago (with the Gentlemen), and I think it was a favourite. Not least because the Buffster got some action with Riley.

We've started watching Angel too, but YAWN. Tell me it gets better soon, because at the moment it seems like a big sacrifice to forego a Buffy episode. I'm sure it gets better or people wouldn't persist with it.

And as promised, a quick overview of my very compelling poll I ran at the beginning of December. Not surprisingly Buffy came in tops with a HUGE 10 votes. Surprising (I thought) Cordelia came second equal with Angel. I realise Cordelia is a hottie, but such a Barbie doll.

I'll have to do another poll soon. Perhaps it will be a fairytale character poll, or a hot fellas poll. Perhaps I should poll to see what I should poll for.

God, shoot me.


Mandy said...

The last series of Angel is great fun. And not just because Spike's in it.

Martha Craig said...

Yeah, what an idea Ben. I'd definitely do one of his 7, maybe 4?

And I can see Spike's appeal now. He is hilarious.

I look forward to Restless Jo, although at the moment all the episodes seem to be pretty good. The Spike factor I suspect.

Jessie said...

Ah, Angel.


Violet said...

Angel gets better and better with each season. for me it was around season three that I started to get really interested - with the reappearance of Darla, the birth of Connor etc.

David said...

Much as I like Angel, it never had Buffy's zany dialog or humour. And the arcs often used to jump around randomly, ever since season 2's Darla arc sorta ended suddenly and without resolution. It all came together in the last season tho, which was pretty well perfect, IMHO.

Martha Craig said...

Oh well, I'd better watch the other 4 series so I know what is going on. Bloody hell. 88 episodes to get to the good ones. I could probably solve world hunger in that amount of time.

Domestic Goddess said...

Yes I just discovered Buffy last year and have seen up until the point when a seal is opening under the high school, A bunch of slayers in boot camp......Is there much more? What series is this?

Martha Craig said...

Well, in Season 4 Buffy is at College, and I think there are 7 series all up - not counting the 5 Angel series. And each one is 22 episodes. We've basically set aside a year.. no books or culture of any kind...

Keeps us away from the usual shit on telly at least.

David said...

> Oh well, I'd better watch the other 4 series so I know what is going on. Bloody hell. 88 episodes to get to the good ones. I could probably solve world hunger in that amount of time.

Oh stop complaining... it's not as if you don't have plenty of free time during the day.

Martha Craig said...

How could I fit it in between my facials and coffee groups and psychic counselling?

Martha Craig said...

Tell me it happens soon, because we're ready to give up. Doyle, Cordy and Angel just aren't enough.