Thursday, April 13, 2006


I have been waiting almost a whole life-time to be mature enough to wear high heel and carry a handbag.

So when is it going to happen? I did think that the end of my teens would signal a suitable marker for the ole high heel wearing palaver, but then my 20s coincided pretty neatly with gen x and grunge, so I didn't have to bother.

Then I thought I'd probably get to wear them when I got a job, and started earning the big bickies. For some reason I didn't earn the big bickies, and commuting and lots of standing didn't really suit the heels.

Weddings were the next big hope, but darn these modern young people, nobody gets bloody well married anymore.

So then I became a lady who lunches, but the company didn't appreciate the shoes and kept getting yoghurt and mashed veges on my fancy heels.

So when is it going to happen? When dammit?


Oy Vey said...

Frick high heels. They are only meant for the oogling men who like them.


(me, bitter? NEVER.)

Amanda said...

No time like the present! Don't be a weakling and be deterred by the yoghurt on your heels. And who says ball gowns can't be for day wear and trips to the supermarket? ;)

Actually though I do think something has been lost in terms of the loosening of dress codes. I never know what to wear to formal or semi formal functions. In the old days where hats & gloves were de rigeur (is that the word?) for weddings at least you knew where you stood. Or I'd imagine so anyway.

Violet said...

They'd be suitable for wearing in your coffin - you aren't going to be standing around for hours...