Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Buffy update - almost there!

Only 4 episodes to go! We're going to watch them tomorrow night as I've got school tonight.

We're not at the end, but crikey season 7 is a corker. (That sentence reminds me of this truly classic vid I watched once called Boobs, Blowouts and Something-else-bogan-car-related. There was a guy who said "Fair dinkum mate, she is so hot I near creamed my pants" - it has been a favourite line since).

I LOVE Andrew. He is the funniest. The Vulcanology thing still has me in stitches.

It all seems a bit more sophisticated this series. And hilarious. There are some classic lines.

That is all. Back to your lives.


David Farrar said...

Yes S7 is great and Andrew is hilarious. Look out for the episode in which they play D&D.

Anonymous said...

Hello Marth!
I couldn't find your email address but thought this would do just as well - the Listener has informed me that the band I thought your uncle may have been part of is in fact "Humphreys and Keen" not KEAN. So that explains why you didn't know about it. I'm still intrigued by them as Graeme Hill (Humphries) hasn't made music for a while (concentrating on Sports Cafe instead I guess, ha ha), and the 'Keen' is a guy that was in the Abel Tasmans too.
Anyway, I thought I should clear that up. Hope the weather is better in Petone than here in the city!